The worldwide outbreak of the coronavirus disease has created great insecurity for all involved society, health authorities, and government agencies. It is no exaggeration to claim that the whole spectrum of feelings of anxiety, fear, worry, anguish, sadness, rage, anger, and frustration have intensified in people's souls. But what is reasoned and expected to dominate are anxiety, worry, and fear. Everyone reacts differently to stressful situations. Coping with stress depends on traits, character, personality, and the community you live in. It is certain that the higher and more reliable defenses you have gained in your life so far, the better you will be at dealing with the coronavirus threat  Cultivate self-confidence, tolerance for doubt, resistance to stressful factors, self-soothing, the ability to change, and self-limitation will make you the winner at the end of the crisis. Motivated to improve the properties as mentioned above, few elements might help psychoeducation to manage the fear of this viral disease.

The extreme and masked fear of the coronavirus is the fear of death that has existed since antiquity. Charles Darwin, his celebrated theory of evolution, didn't prevent him from being an adorably hypochondriac that he was always suffering from illness anxiety. Nikola Tesla was an inventor and scientist famous for his work in the alternating and high-frequency current. Also, he was notorious for his bacteriophobia. In addition to these, there are great modern artists suffering from contamination obsessions. All of them, without severe environmental reason, behaved the same way as you who have a severe reason to feel threatened. Anxiety, uncertainty, and fear are entirely normal during times like this.

Try to tackle the discomfort with scientific data showing that for 85% of non-vulnerable patients, the course of the disease from the coronavirus is mild. For the remaining 15% of patients who exhibit a massive illness or within the vulnerable population, medicine has several effective treatment strategies. Trust healthcare worldwide because the vast majority of it operates on solidarity. Remember that when external risks pressure us, then our thinking is more emotional, but that is not the reality.  A very stressful event like coronavirus threat disputes the clarity of our perception, which moves to the edges. Our way of thinking is turning to a dichotomic and splitting reasoning. The coronavirus reality is somewhere in the shades of grey. The burst of uncertainty hits your self-confidence directly, but each time you feel frightened, look back to your past and see your significant achievements that came from your capability. After all, you remain the same person.

The persistence to shut down all possible passages of the virus and to be protected from all its consequences is catastrophic for yourself and your psychology. Because the pursuit of perfection is delusional and impossible, instead, it will further question your self-efficacy. Let the restructuring of distorted beliefs about the virus can only be done through official health care authorities on medical evidence and not through evaluations, opinions, impressions of friends, journalists, and politicians, respectively. Be cautious of your assumptions and interpretations for the respiratory symptoms because they are not always due to coronavirus infection.

Stay home and apply all the hygiene rules to protect you and others. Wash your hands frequently with soap and water or clean them with an antiseptic. When you come in close contact with others, wear masks and gloves. Avoid touching your face and proximity with those who are ill. By seamlessly adopting these rules, then you will feel less worried. Do not feel uncomfortable when you cannot implement safety behaviors and tactics that are inaccessible and unattainable in your daily life. These tactics are doomed to fail.

Reorganize your home life, put in a reliable schedule for the days you stay self-restricted. You need to redefine the priorities in your current life. In the wake of the global epidemic, it is a unique opportunity to give a different meaning to your life that is structured with important timeless values, not trivial ideas. Forced social distancing does not mean social isolation and alienation. Keep connected to others through social networks, phones, and communicate your fears, worries, and anxiety. Share your feelings, express your thoughts, and sympathize with the loneliness. Your exposure and warmth will alleviate distress. Coronavirus anxiety heals with compassion and affection. Accepting and validating coronavirus fear results in less guilt and ruminations while allowed to transform into pride and action.

Staying at home allows you to reflect on and adapt to your procrastination. There are situations that you have avoided, and now is the right time to intervene. You kept saying to yourself that you had to contact a forgotten friend, write a paper, repair damage, apologize to your companion, but time was running out of action. Now is the right time to do it, it shall make you feel less anxious since you exploiting the forced leave, you boost your self-efficacy, and reduce your guilt.

Sometimes, when health authorities update you, they cause you vexation, more fear, distress, and anger because you are not only looking for information but also for understanding. They remind you of one of your relatives who were judgmental, overprotective, and austere.  In these cases, try to separate the content from the way and style of the articulation of the speech. These health professionals, albeit are experts they have no communication skills and lead to a negative outcome. Show them trust and understanding because their motivation is genuine, even if there is not enough empathy. This attitude will strengthen your power in this challenging situation.


When you feel overwhelmed by anxiety and fear, do not hesitate to ask for psychological assistance. Coronavirus disease is testing our ability not to maximize or minimize threats and losses in our lives and to move towards society.   

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  • #1

    Alexandros Georgoulis (Friday, 20 March 2020 08:18)

    Global, insighting, holistic, encouraging, practical...
    Undoubtedly, a must read article!