25 July 2024
22 July 2024
COGNITIVE DEFUSION IN FIBROMYALGIA Cognitive defusion is a skill or technique primarily used to detach, separate, or get some distance from our thoughts. It is a cognitive distancing process that we elaborate on when choosing a different relationship with the stream of thought that flows through our heads. Stoic philosophers argue for adapting judgment rather than reality. This method of cognitive distancing implies reframing situations more objectively and less emotionally to regulate...
22 July 2024
The word dialectics comes from the Greek word dialegome, which means to hold a debate. The ancient philosophers, by dialectics meant the art of arriving at the truth through the conflict of opposing views without this being a compromise. Heraclitus, who rightfully earned the title of the founder of dialectics, first proclaimed the "ceaseless flow" in the context of a continuous becoming with his famous saying, "Everything flows", everything moves, everything changes, a slogan that demonstrates...
22 July 2024
The link between abuse and fibromyalgia is scientifically indisputable. Abuse is a severe form of trauma. emotional abuse in fibromyalgia patients is the most common form of trauma, followed by sexual abuse and physical violence. According to Freud's seduction theory, the infantile sexual abuse is the root of all neurosis. The resulting trauma creates emotions, and cognitions that simply cannot be integrated. And so, the adult who experienced sexual abuse as a child suffer from repressed...
22 July 2024
Transgender people are defined as people with a gender identity different from the one they were assigned at birth and who wish to express their gender in a way that is not consistent with the one they were initially given. Transgender individuals include people who present themselves in a way that differs from that imposed by mainstream expectations. This diversity concerns sexual orientation, clothing, accessories, cosmetics, body modification, and, of course, self-perception itself. These...
07 November 2020
Humanity today is experiencing pandemic, natural disasters, economic misery, wars, and all forms of terrorism. One realizes that we are living in a crisis. And this crisis needs mental strength and endurance. Psychological or mental resilience means an ability built basically through relationships among subjects, between subjects and their environments. It extends further than adaptation because it implies solid survival since it contains psychic capabilities and early emotional experiences....
08 April 2020
The recent pandemic of coronavirus has caused shocks in the outer and inner environment of people. Many fellow human beings died helpless and alone, while at the same time, many more are expecting, realistically, to lose their jobs, starve and be miserable. Insecurity has gripped all economic and administrative organizations in the world that are trying to analyze people's behavior in the current crisis and similar crises of the past. They think that in this way, they will take the appropriate...
19 March 2020
The worldwide outbreak of the coronavirus disease has created great insecurity for all involved society, health authorities, and government agencies. It is no exaggeration to claim that the whole spectrum of feelings of anxiety, fear, worry, anguish, sadness, rage, anger, and frustration have intensified in people's souls. But what is reasoned and expected to dominate are anxiety, worry, and fear. Everyone reacts differently to stressful situations. Coping with stress depends on traits,...

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